What is it to be a Disciple of Christ in 2021
What is a disciple of Christ in 2021? What does that look like? How do we begin a conversation about Jesus Christ to the world we live in ? So many have been hurt, manipulated, abused and lied to in his name. How do we obey Christ commandment to create disciples? Matthew 28:1. I've learned more about God in the past four years than all of my 40+ combined. Here are a things I've learned.
1. There is no possible way to earn my way into heaven. The Complete redemptive work of Jesus Christ paid for my sins. I strive to live a righteous life because I love Jesus AND HIS PEOPLE. 'If you love me you will keep commandments.'
2. I can judge a sin, but I can't judge a person. I can say something is wrong, however I can't condemn anyone. I'm no better than the other person.
3. God is real. He has made his presence known in my life many times in a miraculous way.
5. Its stronger to genuinely LOVE people. Its hard to love nowadays. It takes a lot.
That being said, I still find it difficult to walk up to a person and say," Hey can I talk to you about Jesus?" Its true. Its easier to talk about the game or Drake. I've heard pastors say the same thing. We'll not about Drake, the difficult part. How about the fear of being called out when you aren't presently the most Christian, the fear of being called a hypocrite. I have these problems, but I hand them to Christ. Pray for me as I grow
- Will B